Vignette: Twitter Emerges as News Source for Iran Protesters
1. Many people question the value of Twitter’s goal of helping people
stay connected in real time. Do the events in Iran illustrate the potential
value to society of social networking tools such as Twitter? Are there other
ways that Twitter and other social networks could be used by people and
organizations to add real value?
Twitter has a big role during the time that Iran suffers a lot of tragedies
like earthquake and political issues. Twitter help to inform other countries
about the situation of the country and it result to awake many charities and
organizations to help Iranian people during that time.
Yes! Because it is always possible to put strict restrictions to all social
networking especially those websites that are always visit by the subscribers
to communicate their families and friends abroad.
2. How trustworthy is the information one gleans from social networks
such as Twitter?
In my own perspective I know that
all social networking sites are not safe, especially those website that always
visit by the subscribers. There were always scams or spam that can get your personal
data and because of these many crimes happen, that s why it is always important
to limit and keep important and personal information. It is also important to
be careful those persons you meet through online.
Social Networking Disaster for Domino’s
1. Some observers believe that if an organization does not respond to an
attack on its brand within the first 24 hours, then the damage has been
done—lack of management response is judged as an admission of guilt. Others
feel that some time is required to gather facts and figure out what happened
before responding. With the advantage of 20/20 hindsight, how might Domino’s
have reacted more effectively?
2. Do you find it unusual that Domino’s response was primarily through
the online media rather than the usual printed press releases? Does this seem
an effective and appropriate way to respond under these circumstances? Why or
why not? Does Domino’s use of the online media set a precedent for others to
follow in the future?
3. Identify three lessons that other companies could learn from Domino’s
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