Monday, May 7, 2012

Chapter 10 - Case Study

Vignette: Problems with Suppliers

1. How can an organization ensure that all the members of its supply chain will behave ethically?


·         Create guidelines for your suppliers
                Communicate your policy as much as possible: identify employees such as buyers or managers who will need training - but ensure the policy is available to all your staff so they know exactly how you manage your supply chain.

·         Look out for suppliers' credentials
                   Find out if they have any certification:

·         Waste
               Ask your suppliers to cut down on unnecessary packaging - particularly if it's plastic - or look at more sustainable alternatives.

2. What responsibility does an organization have to ensure that its suppliers and business partners behave ethically?


          Ethics are concerned with doing good, or the right thing in a given human situation (Wilson, 1975). In the business context, ethics has to do with the extent to which a person's behavior measures up to such standards as the law, organizational policies, professional and trade association codes, popular expectations regarding fairness and what is right , plus one's own internalized moral standards (Sauser, 2005). Business ethics are, therefore, concerned with an evaluation of business practices in the light of some concept of human value; it looks at corporate profits not for their own sake but with respect to the achievement of some human good.

 Manufacturers Compete on Green Computing

1. How have green computing efforts lowered the total cost of computer ownership?


       Green computing is the environmentally responsible use of computers and related resources. Such practices include the implementation of energy-efficient central processing units (CPUs), servers and peripherals as well as reduced resource consumption and proper disposal of electronic waste (e-waste).

       Save on initial hardware purchase cost: An entire SoftXpand system costs a fraction of a single stand-alone PC. Instead of multiple stand-alone workstations, you need to purchase only one SoftXpand host to support a high-performance multi-workstation system. In addition, any hardware installed on the PC (e.g. restoration card) is shared with the other workstations.

2. Which approach can yield greater benefits—building greener computers or implementing programs that change users’ behavior so that they operate their computers in a more responsible manner? Explain your response.


       Creating fully recyclable products, reducing pollution, proposing alternative technologies in various fields, and creating a center of economic activity around technologies that benefit the environment, through these benefits it will prevent environmental damage cause by the newest technology.

3. Do research at the EPEAT Web site and determine which computer manufacturer currently has the best green computing ratings. 


       Global Alliances

Chapter 9 - Case Study

Vignette: Twitter Emerges as News Source for Iran Protesters

1. Many people question the value of Twitter’s goal of helping people stay connected in real time. Do the events in Iran illustrate the potential value to society of social networking tools such as Twitter? Are there other ways that Twitter and other social networks could be used by people and organizations to add real value?


       Twitter has a big role during the time that Iran suffers a lot of tragedies like earthquake and political issues. Twitter help to inform other countries about the situation of the country and it result to awake many charities and organizations to help Iranian people during that time.
      Yes! Because it is always possible to put strict restrictions to all social networking especially those websites that are always visit by the subscribers to communicate their families and friends abroad.

2. How trustworthy is the information one gleans from social networks such as Twitter?

       In my own perspective I know that all social networking sites are not safe, especially those website that always visit by the subscribers. There were always scams or spam that can get your personal data and because of these many crimes happen, that s why it is always important to limit and keep important and personal information. It is also important to be careful those persons you meet through online.

Social Networking Disaster for Domino’s

1. Some observers believe that if an organization does not respond to an attack on its brand within the first 24 hours, then the damage has been done—lack of management response is judged as an admission of guilt. Others feel that some time is required to gather facts and figure out what happened before responding. With the advantage of 20/20 hindsight, how might Domino’s have reacted more effectively?


2. Do you find it unusual that Domino’s response was primarily through the online media rather than the usual printed press releases? Does this seem an effective and appropriate way to respond under these circumstances? Why or why not? Does Domino’s use of the online media set a precedent for others to follow in the future?


3. Identify three lessons that other companies could learn from Domino’s experience.

Chapter 8 - Case Study

Vignette: Western Cape Striving to Eliminate the Digital Divide


1. How important is access to ICT in children’s education?


       ICT is important in primary schools because it can help kids to achieve better results in other subjects and to find what they need and use information in particular ways. It is important that children become familiar with ICT at an early age, because they will need those skills for the remainder of their education and in adult life.

2. What are the barriers that stand in the way of universal access to ICT for everyone who
wants it?


       Lack of knowledge about the advantages of using technology in learning, because of this some people and organizations did not agree about ICT program.  Not enough budget because there are so many schools don’t have enough money to sustain or provide ICT program for their students.  

Technological Advances Create Digital Divide in Health Care

1. Can you provide examples that either refute or confirm the idea that a gap exists between the kinds of healthcare services available to the wealthy and the poor in the United States?


       The Center for Interim Programs - is a gap year consulting service helping young people experience vetted and meaningful gap year place­ments worldwide. Since its inception in 1980 as the first organization of its kind in the United States, Interim has designed creative gap year opportunities for over 6,000 students. We have built relationships with organizations world­wide and refer to a database of over 6,000 program opportunities. Our service is good for a lifetime.

2. Should healthcare organizations make major investments in telemedicine to provide
improved services that only the wealthy can afford?


       No! Because as far as organizations are concern their mission is to help people who suffer financial problem especially in medication and heath matter. There is some organization support not only financial problem but also in emotional and spiritual counseling etc.

3. What are the drawbacks of telemedicine? What situations might not lend themselves to telemedicine solutions? 


        The first is cost. Many of these monitoring and assessment systems require a high level of technical sophistication and a tremendous investment in technology. 
          The second issue is safety. Nothing can substitute for a real-life, physical exam by a doctor who is in the same room as the patient.

       Doctors and nurses can evaluate, diagnose, treat and manage a variety of illnesses and problems over the phone, Internet or video, but in some cases the traditional way is still the best. Talk to a doctor or health care provider about whether or not telemedicine is recommended in the case of your patient or elderly relative.

Chapter 7 - Case Study

Vignette: Boeing Dreamliner Faces a Few Bumps in the Road


1. Is this example of software problems holding up the introduction of a major new product and impacting a firm’s customers and suppliers unusual, or is it a common occurrence?

       Mismanaged soft-ware can now be fatal to a business, causing it to miss product delivery dates, incur increased product development costs, and deliver products that have poor quality.    

2. What can organizations do to reduce the negative consequences of software development problems in the production of their products and the operation of their business processes and facilities?


       A software companies should adopt a software development methodology —a standard, proven work process that enables systems analysts, programmers, project managers, and others to make controlled and orderly progress in developing high-quality software. A methodology defines activities in the software development process, and the individual and group responsibilities for accomplishing these activities. It also recommends specific techniques for accomplishing the various activities, such as using a flowchart to document the logic of a computer program. A methodology offers guidelines for managing the quality of software during the various stages of development. If an organization has developed such a methodology, it is applied to any software development that the company undertakes.

Patriot Missile Failure

1. with the benefit of hindsight, what steps could have been taken during development of the Patriot software to avoid the problems that led to the loss of life? Do you think these steps would have improved the Patriot’s effectiveness enough to make it obvious that the missile was a strong deterrent against the Scud? Why or why not?


       The steps could have been taken during development of the Patriot software is checking the accurate of its time calculation while using the systems and all offices or areas, and improve its tracking function to detect every missile/scud coming.

2. What ethical decisions do you think the U.S. military made in choosing to deploy the Patriot missile to Israel and Saudi Arabia and in reporting the effectiveness of the Patriot system?


       To make sure that the patriot system should have good benefits for all and it should be well function, like its system function, time calculation for every scud coming, and over all checking system function time to time in all areas using it.

3. What key lessons from this example of safety-critical software development could be applied to the development of business information system software?


       Key lessons, is to make sure that all system functions is well develop before using it or implement it to the some offices. The system developer and client should always try the system from its time to time development.


Chapter 6 - Case Study

Vignette: RIAA Fights Music Piracy

1. Is the RIAA’s strong stand on copyright infringement helping or hurting the music recording industry?


       The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is the trade organization that supports and promotes the creative and financial vitality of the major music companies. Its members are the music labels that comprise the most vibrant record industry in the world. RIAA® members create, manufacture and/or distribute approximately 85% of all legitimate recorded music produced and sold in the United States.

       In support of this mission, the RIAA works to protect the intellectual property and First Amendment rights of artists and music labels; conduct consumer, industry and technical research; and monitor and review state and federal laws, regulations and policies. The RIAA® also certifies Gold®, Platinum®, Multi-Platinum™ and Diamond sales awards as well as Los Premios De Oro y Platino™, an award celebrating Latin music sales.

2. Could an ISP’s implementation and enforcement of the RIAA’s multitier strategy have a negative impact on the ISP?


       The “gradual response” program works like this: ISPs will automatically monitor the Web activity of their customers. If a subscriber is found to be downloading copyrighted content illegally, their ISP will send them an “educational” notice saying such activity has been detected from IP addresses linked to their account. If that customer continues to download content illegally, the ISP will send “confirmation notices” to make sure they received the original notices. If copyright infringing activity continues still, the ISP then reserves the right to throttle Web access speeds, or cut off a subscriber’s Internet access altogether, at least until that user agrees to stop pirating copyrighted material. According to CNet, the ISPs have the option to skip these “mitigation measures,” and none have yet committed to completely cutting Internet access.

Lotus vs. Borland

1. Go to your school’s computer lab or a PC software store and experiment with current versions of any two of the Quattro, Excel, or Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet programs. Write a brief paragraph summarizing the similarities and differences in the “look and feel” of these two programs.


        Some of Quattro Pro's features, such as Quick Filter and Cross Tab Reports, let users keep their data in Quattro Pro without having to convert to the tools found in a desktop database. Quattro Pro's Corel Real Time preview lets the user see formatting changes immediately within the spreadsheet, without being forced to apply the changes. Users can scroll through and previewseveral formatting options, such as fonts, lines, tables, borders, and shading. The user can see how the changes would appear and then apply the best one.

   Lotus 1-2-3 includes HTML 3.2 support for opening and converting spreadsheet selections to HTML documents. The product's Web tables let users bring live online information into the spreadsheet to perform analysis functions.

2. The courts took several years to reverse their initial decision and rule in favor of Borland.
What impact did this delay have on the software industry? How might things have been different if Borland had received an initial favorable ruling?


         The outcome of this case caused quite uproar in the copyright law and computer software industry communities, Not only do they disagree with the judge's ruling, they also believe that such a ruling could lead to disaster for the computer software industry.

         Borland's will use  of the  1-2-3  menu structure  to allow  Quattro Pro  to play user-created macros would  essentially  expand the  scope  of the  1-2-3 copyright into  an area of expression  that  belonged  entirely  to the  user who  created the  macro, particularly in the context of the macro compatibility.

3. Assume that you are the manager of Borland’s software development. With the benefit of hindsight, what different decisions would you have made about Quattro?


         I’d rather not to pirate one of the characteristics of lotus software, I will find other way to be able the company software’s to have its own and unique characteristics which are other software company’s don’t have, for the satisfaction of our loyal customers and avoid them to be confuse of software products and it’s characteristics.


Chapter 5 - Case Study

 Vignette: Sexting

1. Does sexting represent a form of expression that is protected by the First Amendment?


       As teens mature sexually, emotionally, and cognitively, they should enjoy expanded First Amendment rights and responsibilities commensurate with their age and experience. The prevalence of teen sexting1 demonstrates the budding sexuality of teens as they explore ways to communicate and express their sexuality. In exploring the thorny issues raised by Teen Sexting Images, the First Amendment defines the zone of free speech. For the reasons explored in this Article, it is arguable that pornography law, as applied to TSIs, must comply, at a minimum, with modified First Amendment freedom of speech protections for minors.

2. What can be done to protect people from the dangers of sexting while still safeguarding our First Amendment rights? 


  • Never give your personal details to anyone you have met online. This includes the name of your school, pictures of yourself, the place you live, anything someone could use to identify where you live
  • Do not send pictures of yourself to anyone – even if they send you one first (it might not even be a picture of them)
  • If the person you are chatting to insists on information, or keeps pressing you about your details – stop chatting!
  • If someone keeps trying to call or chat, or threatens you, tell someone you trust and get help
  • Report people who use abusive language; harass or abuse you; to the people who run the social network you use – the perpetrator can be banned from using it!

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

1. Visit the EFF Web site at and develop a list of its current “hot” issues. Research one EFF issue that interests you, and write a brief paper summarizing EFF’s position. Discuss whether you support this position and why.


New Wave of Facebook Phishing Attacks Targets Syrian Activists

       The campaign of attacks targeting Syrian opposition activists on the Internet continues to intensify. Since the beginning of the year, Syrian opposition activists have been targeted using several Trojans, which covertly install spying software onto the infected computer, as well as phishing attacks which steal YouTube and Facebook login credentials. 
      I do support the EFF campaign against Phishing Attacks, it will make all social networking users to be aware with this kind of issue, and be careful of their sharing personal information online.

2. What reasons might a firm give for joining and supporting EFF?


Technology Research and Development

        EFF's technology development and research projects aim to improve the rights of free expression, security, and privacy on the internet. All of our work is released under free and open source licenses such as the GNU General Public License or Creative Commons licenses.

3. The vice president of public affairs for your midsized telecommunications equipment company has suggested that the firm donate $10,000 in equipment and services to EFF and become a corporate sponsor. The CFO has asked if you, the CIO, support this action. What would you say? 


       Yes! Because I know that EFF will support the company and protect it's security and privacy from online hackers and phishing attackers etc. the EFF also do campaign and give information that will help a lot to the business industry.



Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Chapter 4 - Case Study


Discussion Questions:

1. What type of security breaches of medical record are commonly today?


                Some types of network security breaches happen simply because someone, somewhere, forgot to do what they should have. One of the most popular cases of this in recent years occurred when a former auto dealership employee disabled 100 cars which had been installed with equipment that makes the cars inoperable if the owner isn’t making their payments. This happened not because he hacked the network but because no one had considered that he might still have login and password information.

2. What measures are being taken by the government and private industry to safeguard EHR's?


        Healthcare organizations are entrusted with the most private information of their patients and employees. They have a legal, moral, and ethical duty to protect all clinical and research information by ensuring that security and privacy safeguards are in place. A higher degree of control is necessary to prevent unauthorized access to especially sensitive information. This is particularly true within the context of the electronic health record (EHR).

3. How do you think the implementation of ARRA will affect the privacy of our healthcare and personal data? What breaches do you foresee? How can they be forestalled?


       Security breaches have been committed not only by these institutions but also by outside contractors that they hire to achieve their IT objectives. ARRA also requires healthcare institutions to notify individuals who are affected by security breaches, provides for increased fines for noncompliance, and authorizes state attorneys general to prosecute institutions violating HIPAA regulations.

 Discussion Questions:


1. How does Google's business model use personal data?


       Google is firmly committed to the privacy of our advertisers and users. While Google does add a cookie to a user's computer when he/she clicks on an ad, this cookie expires in 30 days, and Google does not associate a user's search activity with his/her ad click history. Further, Google does not collect or track personally identifying information, and does not reveal individual information to third parties. Users who do not wish to participate in tracking activities can easily disable Google's conversion tracking cookie in their Internet browser's user preferences settings. These users will not be included in your conversion tracking statistics.

2. What do you think are the major privacy concerns raised by Google's business model and applications?


       The major privacy concerns raised by Google's business model and applications is there technology was very open to the public and so others can sneak on it

3. Do you think Google has taken adequate measures to protect its user's privacy? Explain your answer.


      Google justified its actions as a benefit to users, however. “When someone is searching for the word ‘jaguar,’ Google would have a better idea of whether the person was interested in the animal or the car. Or the firm might suggest e-mailing contacts in New York when it learns you are planning a trip there.”   

    “Trust is hard to earn, easy to lose, and nearly impossible to win back.” This statement seems to ring true in the constantly changing world of business. In a time where technology is developing faster than ever before, it is very difficult to regulate information privacy. Consumers have chosen to trust many companies with their private information in exchange for services that are used on a daily basis. Google is in the middle of the debate about information privacy with its internet based services that collect and store enormous amounts of data about its users. Through a detailed privacy policy, a consumer’s ability to choose between internet services and a trustworthy reputation Google has convinced consumers to use their products despite collecting and storing enormous amounts of personal information. To a certain degree information gathering can be ethical and very useful; however, Google has stepped over the boundary of ethics because of the amount of information they are gathering through their various products and their loose privacy policy that allows for third party exposure. This behavior is unethical because it does not “most dutifully respect the rights of all affected”


Chapter 3 - Case Study



1. Peter Gumble, European editor for Fortune magazine, comments, "Kerviel is a stunning example of a trader breaking the rules, but he's by no means alone. One of the dirty little secrets of trading floors around the world is that every so often, somebody is caught concealing a position and is quickly - and quietly - dismissed... [This] might be shocking for people unfamiliar with the macho, high-risk, high-reward culture of most trading floors, but consider this: the only way banks can tell who will turn into a good trader and who even the most junior traders to take aggressive positions. This leeway is supposed to be matched by careful controls, but clearly they aren't foolproof." What is your reaction to this statement by Mr. Gumble?


       When first starting to trade, you need to manage risk and to trade a well defined trading plan with clearly specified entry and exit strategies. You need a detailed risk management plan and a detailed money management plan. No building is built without a plan. Why would you attempt to trade without a detailed trading plan? Often the reason is that novice traders want to believe that a charting program or a trading program in itself will give them unlimited money.

2. What explanation can there be for the failure of SocGen's internal control system to detect Kerviel's transactions while Eurex detected many suspicious transactions?


       Jérôme Kerviel had put together a first portfolio (A) composed of futures and representing the evolution of the European stock indexes (Eurostoxx, Dax, FTSE….) while at the same time he was establishing a second portfolio (B) composed of warrants which had the same characteristics as those of the futures but with a different value, these variances in value explain the losses or the gains of such activities. Because of their close characteristics, these two portfolios compensate each other and lower the market risks. Société Générale had established internal controls to manage these risks. The fraud committed by Jérôme Kerviel has consisted of evading internal controls or making them inefficient. Jérôme Kerviel had registered and then cancelled fictitious transactions in the second portfolio. The fictitious transactions were registered in Société Générale systems but were economically unreal.

       Within the framework of this fraud the financial instruments of portfolio (A) were seemingly compensated with the fictitious operations accommodated within portfolio (B) which showed only a very little residual risk. He gave to his fictitious operations some characteristics which limited the opportunities of control. He usurped computing access codes belonging to operators to cancel certain operations. He falsified the documents allowing him to justify his fictitious operations. He made sure that his fictitious operations related to a financial instrument different from those which he had just canceled to avoid control.

 Discussion Questions

1. Identify and briefly discuss four reasons why computer incidents have become more prevalent.


       Programming style while typos in the program code are often caught by the compiler, a bug usually appears when the programmer makes a logic error. Various innovations in programming style and defensive programming are designed to make these bugs less likely or easier to spot. In some programming languages, so-called typos, especially of symbols or logical/mathematical operators, actually represent logic errors, since the mistyped constructs are accepted by the compiler with a meaning other than that which the programmer intended. Programming techniques Bugs often create inconsistencies in the internal data of a running program. Programs can be written to check the consistency of their own internal data while running. If an inconsistency is encountered, the program can immediately halt, so that the bug can be located and fixed. Alternatively, the program can simply inform the user, attempt to correct the inconsistency, and continue running. Development methodologies There are several schemes for managing programmer activity, so that fewer bugs are produced. Many of these fall under the discipline of software engineering (which addresses software design issues as well). For example, formal program specifications are used to state the exact behavior of programs, so that design bugs can be eliminated. Unfortunately, formal specifications are impractical or impossible for anything but the shortest programs, because of problems of combinatorial explosion and indeterminacy [disambiguation needed]. Programming language support Programming languages often include features which help programmers prevent bugs, such as static type systems, restricted name spaces and modular programming, among others. For example, when a programmer writes (pseudo code) LET REAL_VALUE PI = "THREE AND A BIT", although this may be syntactically correct, the code fails a type check.

2. A successful distributed denial-of-service attack requires downloading software that turns unprotected computers into zombies under the control of the malicious hacker. Should the owners of the zombie computers be fined as a means of encouraging people to better safeguard their computers? Why or Why not?


       So, why do you need security? There are several reasons: 

          To prevent loss of data: You don’t want someone hacking into your system and destroying the work done by your employees (and remember, the hacking doesn’t have to be direct, it can be a computer virus, worm, or Trojan horse sent out against random targets). Even if you have good back-ups, you still have to identify that the data has been damaged (which can occur at a critical moment when an employee has an immediate need for the damaged data), and then restore the data as best you can from your backup systems. Downtime to fix damage costs you money. A lesser example of this category is when the data isn’t completely lost, but just partially corrupted.
         To prevent corruption of data: A lesser example of loss of data is when the data isn’t completely lost, but just partially corrupted. This can be harder to discover, because unlike complete destruction, there is still data. If the data seems reasonable, you could go a long time before catching the problem, and cascade failure (where failure in one system taakes down an adjoining system, which in turn takes down another adjoining system) could result in serious problems spreading far and wide through your systems before discovery. Tracking down the initial problem could take substantial effort, delaying your ability to restore your systems from backups (and complicating the back-up, because some parts will be bad before other parts are).
       To prevent compromise of data: Sometimes it can be just as bad (or even worse) to have data revealed than to have data destroyed. Imagine the consequences of key trade secrets, corporate plans, financial data, etc. ending up in the hands of your competitors. Or imagine sensitive personal data (such as pay records or other employee records) becoming public.
   To prevent theft of data: Some kinds of data are subject to theft. An obvious example is the list of credit card numbers belonging to your customers. Just about anything associated with money can be stolen.
  To prevent sabotage: A disgruntled employee, an unscrupulous competitor, or even a stranger with a mean streak could use any combination of the above activities to maliciously harm your business. Because of the thought and intent, this is the most dangerous kind of attack, the kind that has the potential for the greatest harm to your business.


3. Do you believe that spam is actually harmful? Why or why not?


       Yes!!! Spam can hurt people, companies and the Internet. Here are three reasons why:
  1. Phishing: Spam emails are often used in order to engage in phishing - a practice in which links are used to collect personal information (financial data, social security numbers, account information) from unsuspecting users. That information can then be used for Identity Theft.
  2. Malware: Another harmful thing that spam emails often include is malware - computer viruses, spyware, and malicious programs that can silently infiltrate a user's computer and cause major problems. Simply by clicking on a link, you can expose yourself (and your computer) to harmful viruses that can affect the functioning of your computer.
  3. Loss of Productivity:While checking and deleting spam emails can be annoying, it is the time consumption and loss of productivity that really costs you.

4. How ca installations of a firewall give an organization a false sense of security?


       Firewalls can be one of the most effective forms of computer security. In order to do this, they need to be configured properly, by someone with intimate knowledge both of the network and of computer security in general. Too many large organizations will buy a firewall, have it installed, and leave it at that. They feel that just because the firewall is "out there" that they will be safe.

5. Some IT security personnel believe that their organizations should always employ whatever resources are necessary to capture and prosecute criminals. Do you agree? Why or why not?

       In today’s digital world, many organizations heavily rely on computers to run their businesses efficiently every day. Without a good functioning of the computer systems, these organizations wouldn’t be able to deliver goods and services adequately. On large scale, the national or world economy would feel the pain of the disruptions. Just imagine the impact of a disruption of computers in a bank, at a school, at the airport or even in a supermarket! 

       Each organization must protect its major assets. There are no more valuable assets for any organization than information and data stored in computers. Should these assets be stolen, destroyed or mishandled, the organization will have tremendous difficulties to survive or to be trusted by the public. Consequently, anybody who would try to harm the organization through its computer system should be dealt with in the most aggressive way. 


Discussion Questions

1. There are some who think that the techniques tools used in the Dark Web project could be used in a way that could negatively affect our way of life. The executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, Marc Rotenberg fear "the very same tools that can used to track terrorist can also be used to track political opponents. " What are some negative ways such tools can be used against U.S citizens? Do you think that this is reasonable fear?

       All tools and techniques are really useful but it only depends on how the user uses it or handles it. Yes, it is reasonable fear because we are all a user of technology in order o make things possible but there is also a negative way that can also make other people miserable because of this there some people using this for blackmailing and other destructive intentions.

2. Identify three positive ways that this technology could be used to improve the performance      organizations or to help us i our daily lives.