Friday, April 20, 2012

Chapter 2 - Case Study 3: When Certification Is Justified

1. What actions should WMI have taken to lessen the risk of this project and avoid these

2. What sort of losses has WMI incurred from the delay of this project? How has the lack of success
on this project affected SAP?


3. Do research on the Web to find out the current status of the lawsuits between WMI and SAP.
Write a brief report summarizing your findings.

Chapter 2 - Vignette: IT Technicians Fired After Reporting Child Porn

1. What message is sent to IT workers by the actions of New York Law School and Collegis—
even if unrelated job-performance issues justified their actions in firing Gross and Perry?

2. Since this incident, a number of states have enacted laws that require workers to report
immediately any child pornography found while servicing equipment. Most of the laws state
that a worker who reports such a discovery is immune from any criminal, civil, or administrative
liability. Failure to report the discovery can result in a fine, imprisonment, or both. Do you
think such laws will encourage reporting? Why or why not?

Chapter 1 - Case Study 3: Is There a Place for Ethics in IT?

1. Discuss how a CIO might handle Schrage’s scenarios using the suggested process for ethical
decision making presented in this chapter.

2. Discuss the possible short-term losses and long-term gains in implementing ethical solutions
for each of Schrage’s scenarios.

3. Must businesses choose between good ethics and financial benefits? Explain your answer
using Schrage’s scenarios as examples.

Chapter 1 - Vignette: Dubious Methods Used to Investigate Leaks by Hewlett-Packard Board Members

1. Which issue is more disconcerting—the fact that a board member leaked confidential information
about the firm or the tactics used to investigate the leak? Defend your position.

2. Can the use of pretexting to gain information ever be justified? Is it considered legal under
any circumstances?

Friday, April 13, 2012

What takes to be an IT Professional?

Being an IT professional you need to have perseverance to achieve what you wanted to be and think ahead of your future... Love the things that you have done or what you have to do and accept the challenges positively.